Friday, September 29, 2006
Promos phew
so ya. it's not over... yet. but it seems like it's over alridy. ytd was chem. i thot the paper was quite ez. hopefully can get A, otherwise... well... a pass wld suffice i guess. haha. at the least. same thing with econs and maths, altho u can nvr tell for econs. i thot the paper was super ez for the CTs and look how much i got. lolz
so ya. today ppl r hafing phyx. while i'm comp gaming and slping. haha. so fun. whee
wonder what i'm gg to do next wk. XBOX session any1 out there? it'll be fun! c'mon. lol. i need HALO2 more. haha. whee
feel so relaxed after such a long time. but no time to slack. bio's coming up soon. shall go n get started on bio rite now....
side note. yay! i finished 97 episodes of bleach along with mugging within 4 to 5 days! yay! and now i juz need to find some weirdo/pro kiah to lemme copy and burn the episodes. stupid youtube. haha
k then. time to go. bbuhbyeez
10:46 am
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Saturday, September 23, 2006
mugging and sth random. like COFFEE
sigh. mugging is such a pain sometimes, but i gotta do it
did chem like mad today, din finish tho. at least some of it, like boiling pts n all, but yeh. at least i'm quite sure that i wun do as badly as i did for cts, since i managed to rmb more stuff. now juz to hope that i dun like go n forget everything. haha
better start on econs as well. paper's on tues, which is frigging bad, since i think i've put in the least amt of effort into econs ><
bio's abt 9 days from now, so not as concerned. yep
ok then. i better go start on econs now. a bit late, yeh i noe, but better than nth. at least every1 arnd me is also muggin hard like mad, so i feel slightly better. i think. wonder how the H1 econs ppl r doing. haha. wonder if they r also dying like the H2 ppl, budden again, i doubt it. sigh
went out today for the whole day and camped at TCC for almost 2 hrs drinking coffee straight and mugging. i think i went thru abt 3 cups of coffee and god knows what else. lol
on a side note, go read the TCC fortune telling thing. quite scary a bit, but yeh.
c'mon ppl. ending in 9 days for bio ppl, 6 for phyx ppl. wah lau. ok nvm. dun complain. i still think bio is easier to study and to do than phyx, but of cos the phyx ppl dun agree with me, n we'll spend from now till the end of next yr arguing abt it. sigh
ok then. better go get started. the night is getting erm. younger? older? middle-aged? ugh. wadeva. it's getting somewhere. time to start econs. yay! buhbyeez
11:28 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Friday, September 22, 2006
yawn. feeling damn depressed. i alridy gif up after juz 3 days of mugging. like seriously. oh wellz. at least i feel i'm getting somewhere. finished econs twice alridy, n now gg to finish chem for a 2nd time, maths is pretty well wrapped up and thrown away yay
i wish i had my stamina back. now after juz abt 1 hr + i feel like gg to slp. not to mention that i feel like slping everyday. so yes. tt's bad. but i dun n i feeling tired and hungry n like shit so yes
was watching last yr's class movie. yay. old memories, tho proly a bad time to reminsce.
maple is bad for ur health, but i'm now lvl 52, so yay. well... gg to b in 20% at least. yay. and i think i sld stop, but i gotta haf sth to do during my free time wad. hehe
ok then. erm. mug mug, it'll be over in a while. so yes. hang in there bros. see yarz. buhbyeez
2:58 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Monday, September 18, 2006
suddenly everything seems to be so quick and slow
sometimes i juz sit here and wonder whether i made the right choices in life. like seriously. like did i do the right thing 7 yrs back stopping piano? did i do the right thing tryin to pick up guitar on my own out of the blue? am i doing the right thing not mugging right now to do this stupid post?
self doubt is all gd i guess, but it's kinda redundant when u come to think abt it. unless ur a person with a severely flawed understanding of urself. in which case u better hope to god u get a better one of urself. otherwise even when u kill urself, or get killed, u'll b asking urself why.
some stuff juz keeps on flashing thru my mind rite now. like how sometimes the wrong choice seems to be correct in the end. like prokaryotes n eukaryotes. i clda finished mugging that over the wkend. hell i sld haf. but instead, i mapled, got to lvl 51, n feeling damn happy rite now, instead of mugging. all's gd cos they juz told us that it wasn't gg to b tested for the promos. so yay
sigh. nvm. heck this. i always die when i try to write sth thotful. cos i dun haf enof brain cells to think abt anything insightful. i think i'll leave this as a diary. an online diary. lol
promos coming. i think i'm gg to b fine. proly wun ace everything, but i'll try. lol. but gotta start putting in effort into mugging man. otherwise i'll juz die. at least i finished everything once thru alridy. which is gd. yay
new piano song which i'm attempting to learn how to play rite now. juz dl-ed the score sheets ytd, can play alridy, but a bit hiccuppy. i guess it's quite amazing i can still play this song. esp since the chords r like madness. yay. esp since i havent played the piano in a long time. come to think abt it, i managed to play making love out of nothing at all by air supply juz fine as well. haha
98 degrees - I DO (CHERISH YOU)
All I am, all I'll be
Everything in this world
All that I'll ever need
Is in your eyes
Shining at me
When you smile I can feel
All my passion unfolding
Your hand brushes mine
And a thousand sensations
Seduce me 'cause I
I do cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don't have to think twice
I will love you still
From the depths of my soul
It's beyond my control
I've waited so long to say this to you
If you're asking do I love you this much
I do
In my world before you
I lived outside my emotions
Didn't know where I was going
'Til that day I found you
How you opened my life
To a new paradise
In a world torn by change
Still with all my heart
'Til my dying day
I do cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don't have to think twice
I will love you still
From the depths of my soul
It's beyond my control
10:10 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Thursday, September 14, 2006
i think i shall take the time to blog today, since i'm not rily in the right frame of mind to do anything much right now. so ya.
learnt that some guy from rj suicided today. dun ask me how or why he did it. so yep. to all the ppl out there who are affected by it. yep. stay strong n don't let it dimish your zest for life. even more impt, don't let it affect your promos. n ya. like what the teachers said, find some1 to talk to if u have to.
i guess today made me think abt my mortality again, something which i usually don't rily wanna think abt most of the time, for the simple fact that most of the time, i'm still young n not likely to die anytime soon. but yes. mugging somehow drains out all of the stuff which you really wanna say. nth much i can think abt rite now which can be considered anything resembling words of wisdom. so i'll juz say it again. stay strong ppl.
on a sidenote, happy bday arthur! 17 yrs old n over there in aussieland. happy bday n stay happy always! look fwd to seeing ya in s'pore sometime soon! yep
k then. back to mugging. running mostly on caf, stubborness and sugar nowadays. yep. 10 days to promos. keep mugging ppl. the books r gg down!
6:40 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Saturday, September 09, 2006
another survey. this time found on wong wen hao's blog. can tell how ficking bored n tired of life i am. lol
 | You scored as Mysterious. You wish to hide who you are from all those around you. You find it very hard to trust people. You also may enjoy the fun that comes from playing mind games with others around you.My advice Get out there and reveal the true you if only to one person!
Mysterious | | 100% | Eyes full of Pain | | 92% | Passion | | 67% | Diamond Eyes | | 58% |
What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!) created with |
sigh but i guess the survey quite true. sometimes i juz tink that no one out there knows who i am at all. yup. haha. i guess it's cos i dun wanna let ppl. some ppl out there proly noe more abt me than i noe abt myself. but it's like most ppl out there dunno anythign abt me. n i sure as hell wanna keep it that way. nicer life. contrary to what other ppl may think
sigh. haven talked to xy in a damn long time. chatted a bit with him the other day at delifrance, budden i guess it's not talking. like sit down n chat. i talk quite a lot with beta n limen online, but xy dussen haf msn. much as that may b shocking for every1 else out there. ya. he DUSSEN noe what msn is. surprise. so ya. haven talked to him in a long time. wonder if he even comes here anymore. haha. nvm
k then. dunno what else to tlak abt. shall go back to mugging n slacking n slping. buhbyeez
8:55 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Monday, September 04, 2006
well every1's been talking abt it. as in life in general. esp ppl like miki, yiwen n eugene., altho it's more to do with gd guys getting missed or sth lidat. can't rily rmb. n i'm not exactly in the best frame of mind to think abt it rite now. mebbe later.
but ya. juz heard that steve irwin from croc hunter died in some weird encounter with a stingray. lol. seems kinda weird that he'll die from a stingray. i mean it's like ask any1 to put up a list, n crocs will b higher than stingrays in terms of deadliness. but he survived crocs to get owned by a stingray...
weird i guess. but tt's life. it sux. n contrary to what miki might say, life is not an rpg. it's juz a stupid twisted version of poker where you nvr win. u juz lose. it's how badly u lose. every second u live, u lose. sth. more with the longer secs. less with the shorter secs. but U still lose in THE END. yes.
so life sux. end of story. qed
n yes. to answer yiwen's point abt gd guys getting passed over or wadeva. tt's juz poker hand. i dun think it's exactly fair for me to keep on getting ownage poker hands or bridge hands w/o rigging the deck. i get a pro hand 1 out of 4 hands, n win 3 out of 5 bridge games, on average. that's a better than average stat. so is tt fair? nope. is it possible? yes. is life anything more than a poker hand? probably not. hey. i cld die juz sitting here. typing this. n u cld die juz reading this.
i hope no one who knows me quite well reads this post. they'll proly either freak out, think some1's hijacked my blog, or that i'm gg thru a depression. problem is neither haijacking nor depression has happened to me. yet. i think. nvm. dussen matter. the point is that. there is no point. n there's no way to buy out of this crazy poker hand life's dealt u
unless u die
but juz dun say i told u to do it. cos i din.
u get a lousy hand, u bluff. until u win. if ur gd, u win. if u suck, u die. end of story. get a life. or a better way to play ur poker hand. noob
ok. end of story. buhbyeez
10:19 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Some random stuff i came across on Kangwen's blog. dun go there often. so like ya. grab some stuff when i'm there i guess. haha. lolz
Your Geek Profile: |
 Fashion Geekiness: Highest Academic Geekiness: High Geekiness in Love: Moderate SciFi Geekiness: Moderate General Geekiness: Low Gamer Geekiness: None Internet Geekiness: None Movie Geekiness: None Music Geekiness: None |
Your Love Style is Agape |
 You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner. Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare. You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie. Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you. For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. |
i think the 2nd one was quite stupid. but wadeva. bored on a sat morning, n dun rily wanna mug, even tho i'm gg to start mugging like immediately after this post. lolz. life sux
air supply rox. like seriously. i juz luv their songs. this one's another nice one which i heard. dun think it ever got to being played on concert, tho i may b wrong. the lyrics r very powerful n the rhythm of the entire song juz flows in a way most songs nowadays juz lack. probably why i prefer to listen to songs from old bands rather than from newer ones. but oh wellz. nvm
Goodbye - Air Supply
I can see the pain living in your eyes
And I know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your heart and I sympathize
And it'll never criticize all you've ever meant to my life
I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong
You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say but goodbye
You deserve the chance at the kind of love
I'm not sure I'm worthy of
Losing you is painful to me
I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong
You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to try
Though it's gonna hurt us both
There's no other way than to say goodbye
sigh. so ya. feeling rily down rite now. cos of mugging. i decided to b hardworking n get all my stuff out to see how much i hav to mug. it's in a big pile. on my table. rite now. like when i say pile, it's sorta like mount olympus to me rite now. altho it's not tt tall. but ya. seems like. DAMN FAGGING TALL>>> omfg. lol
n i've only gotten thru like mebbe 3? 4? chapters of chem and a couple chapters of econs. better start studying bro. stop thinking of maple n comp games n girls n god n life n the world in general.
SO YES. i thot teacher's day was seriously damn boring. like the performances n everything. rily miss the old days in RI. but i guess that's juz life. everything moves on and we juz can't adapt or miss what isn't there anymore. sigh
so yes. went out with gar geoi n alwyn after the whole teacher's day thing. went to like the star wars shop at suntec. i call it the star wars shop cos half the stuff there is all star wars. haha. but ya. damn nice. they had a $2000+ ATAT walker there. omfg. lol so yarz. haha went back to RI also. so many teachers left alridy. then tan chee wan left to go to MOE headquarters. so ya. sigh. so sad. but yes. i guess that we can't hav our teachers all always being in the same place foreva i guess. haha
so ya. n that's abt all i gotta say. still haven seen lester lim. wanna noe what happened to my history file from last yr for the fun of it. haha. but yes. now it's fime for me to go n start mugging. n stop talking to jin wei. yes. buhbyeez
12:06 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
February 2006
March 2006
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February 2010
Air Supply - All Out Of Love
I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile and my heart
For times when my life feels so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from this long lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too
Does the feeling seem oh so right
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I can't hold on
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong