Sunday, December 31, 2006
ahem ahem. it's a new year at last.
i think this yr is probably one of my most wasted years. din do well for studies, din do well in anything actually. juz slacked a hell lot. so therefore. next yr cannot alridy. not like i'd slack even if i wanted to.. LOL
ok. so that being said. shall not waste anymore time for next yr liao. starting tmr, shall act like i'm gg to die tmr, which i probably am. LOL
new year resolution: STUDY hard. LOL. i told u nothing abt will do well for A'lvls. think quite dumb anyway. if u try hard, u'l do well. dussen rily matter whether u wanna do well or not. the method is more impt to me than the end results. after all. u nvr noe when the inevitable varibles r gg to occur n screw u up. LOLLL.
k i shall go off now. buhbyeez
4:57 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
well... haven't blogged in a long time. so here i go
we had a friendly against erm... swiss cottage. won that one. so yay. almost scored a goal. so yay also. hakeem went from hat-trick hero to 5 goal scorer or sth lidat. so yay. ok. next. cos i seriously can't rmb anything else alridy ><
erm. christmas was ok. except not much shows to watch, so quite boring at times. sigh. then erm. spent most of the time doing other less 'constructive stuff'. lol. got an xbox 360 for christmas. yay. budden that's alos my bday prezzie next yr. so too bad. gd thing got DOA4 to amuse myself with. btw. DOA4 ROXORS. it's damn nice. go try one day
anyway, last wk i dun rmb much. watched curse of golden flower this wk. the show's quite nice. all those who haven't watched it sld go watch. b4 it stops showing. lol. ok. n then i wanted to watch stuff like erm... night in the museum. budden no money, no time, no one wants to watch. so too bad.
erm... what else. oh ya. richard n limen came over the other day to play xbox. so quite fun. supposed to b mervin n a couple of his classmates also. budden they all got stuff on n so all nvr come. then mervin got himself screwed for gg him late the previous night, so too bad. haha. budden at least i finally got sth straight. cannot mix xbox with FPS on comp. CANNOT. my psychomotor went down like hell. i'm sure la. i'm sure can get my sword timing wrong until get owned like siao. I'm SURE CANNOT EVEN COORDINATE MY BULLET-SPRAY SMG + MELEE COMBO. like WTH. no possible... not to mention my sniping went from medium gd back to totally lousy. wth
ok so that's that la. erm. what else. oh ya. today went back for some choir gathering. conrad ask me to go back. so i juz wnet back since got nth else to do. haven't talked to the guy for quite a long time. haha. budden now he's outta army, n damn nice life. damn carefree. can't wait to see him actually start working properly. then all the stuff. get to lmao at him first. heh. gd thing i'm quite sure he nvr read my blog one. then can put all this here. hehehehehe
ok then. i think that's abt it liao. happy new yr all. tmr, my new yr resolution. WHICH WILL NOT HAVE THE SENTENCE - I WILL DO WELL FOR A'LVLS. unlike the rest of u out there. burn in hell. heretic.
12:22 am
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Friday, December 22, 2006
lol. next. wadeva. random. stuff. here. pls. do. not. read.
sigh. i'm in pain all over man. seriously. i think that i rily rily rily rily rily need a break. n sch's starting in 2 wks. what a nice way to end the hols
xbox sessions next wk is dead. cos limen 'wants' to start doing his homework. 9 out of 10 i bet he'll flop. but that's his business. so we shall haf a massive bridge session at my hse, mebbe a little xbox n other entertainment thrown in. but ya. mostly no more xbox cos i dun haf 4 controllers nor do i haf halo2. ugh. unless i can get them from adam! *bet i can't.*
so yea. friendlies a lot this wk. so yay. been running a lot. n ok. but i need to work on stuff. n i dun even haf a proper area bigged than 3 meters to work in. great. gj. but ahh wellz. nvm. mebbe shall go back to sch one day with lionel n train. i dunno. mebbe sneak into the multipurpose hall or sth. haha
ok. so yea. sch terms' opening soon, i'm juz damn happy that this hols is gg to b over. soon., reflection on the hols. but basically, it's been damn tragic since my mum has been taunting me abt this being the last hols that i'm ever going to really spend with her. thanx for nth mum. so yup. ok. i shall go off n slp now. nights
10:38 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Sunday, December 17, 2006
some stuff
sigh dunno la. the hols r finally finishing, but for some strange reason, i can't wait for them to start again. like seriously man. this hols has been damn boring, despite all the floorball n running arnd n all. so ya. sigh. i really dunno. it's juz like aiya. nvm. life is so damn meaningless. dun even noe what i want with my life
next yr is gg to b a lvls. but there's like no motivation to do well for myself, beyond the stupid cert. i seriously dunno what i wanna do with my life in future. i mean it's like i really dunno. if i had to list what i wanted to do with my life, can list what i dun wanna do. but there's a whole bunch that i rily rily rily rily wanna do. so ditto for gdness n everlasting peace by knowing u have an ideal. well. lolz. oh wellz. can't help it
juz found out that tix r like selling fast for phantom. n faii din book for me cos he tot i wldn't b free. -.-" oh wells. not his fault la. partly mine also. so ya. any1 wanna watch, tell me on msn quick. then we go watch. lolz. better not let me go myself ar ame. otherwise i'm gg to murder u. sms me so much stuff abt phantom, then in the end dun wanna go... i'm gg to like dunno... string u upside down n tickle ur feet until u die or sth. so what... torture's uninventive. it's not a crime?!
ugh. dunno la. this hols seems damn damn damn boring. sigh. oh wellz. i really can't say much i guess. haven't been xboxing enof. shall attempt to arrange a game next wk, if i can squeeze in that much in btn all the friendlies we r having next wk. dunno whether i sld play next wk tho. really really wanna get my stick fixed. n buy a new ball to practice with of cos. afzhal lost my one during the sch term, then the other one got squished. so ya. oh wellz. see first
that said, i think the friendly against smu was quite bad. i noe i played badly. was ok with running i think, but somehow... it's juz weird. when i play against teachers on fridays, i run like a lot, n really enjoy myself, but at trainings, n all i dun run that much. dun even atk that much. it's juz weird. very very weird. so ya. sigh. but can't fall aslp on my feet anymore. dunno what happened. juz suddenly blanked out at one point in time. that said, also not used to playing 3 on 3. damn weird. like no time to think. i'm juz like gg with the flow most of the time. n my new tracking mindset seems to b doing quite well. i think i'm marking my opponents much better. but not gd enof. need to get it better up. lol some song lyrics below. nightey nights
Every Breath You Take - Sting & PoliceEvery breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break,
every step you take
I'll be watching you
Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play,
every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Oh, can't you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake,
every claim you stake
I'll be watching you
Since you've gone
I've been lost without a trace
I dream at night, i can only see your face
I look around,
but it's you i can't replace
I feel so cold,
and i long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please,
Oh, can't you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
lol i think a lotta ppl rmb that one from that econs lecture. finally managed to find the lyrics.
ditto abt the song tho. can't find it online ><
All Night Long - Lionel RitchieWell, my friends, the time has come
To raise the roof and have some fun
Throw away the work to be done
Let the music play on(play on, play on)
Everbody sing, everybody dance
Lose yourself in wild romance
We're going to party
Karamu, fiesta, forever
Come on and sing along!
We're going to party
Karamu, fiesta, forever
Come onand sing along!
We're going to party
Karamu, fiesta, forever
Come on and sing along!
All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
People dancing all in the street
See the rhythm all in their feet
Life is good wild and sweet
Let the music play on(play on, play on)
Feel it in your heart
And feel it in your soul
Let the music take control
We're going to party
Liming, fiesta, forever
Come on and sing my song!
All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
Yeah, once you get started
You can't sit down
Come join the fun
It's a merry go round
Everyone's dancing
Their troubles away
Come join our party
See how we play!
Oh, yes
We're going to have a party!
All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
All night long!
Everyone you meet
They're jamming in the street
All night long
Yeah, i said, everyone you meet
They're jamming in the street
All night long!
Yeah, i said, everyone you meet
They're jamming in the street
All night long!
Feel good! feel good!
12:13 am
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Thursday, December 14, 2006
haven't posted for some time cos damn lazy n blogspot somehow damn slow also. lol. anyway, ya
past 2 days, went to watch movies. ytd was eragon n day b4 that was deja vu
eragon = LOUSY. seriously man. i mean like wth. the movie is probably ok if u din read the book. but after u read the book, then u watch the movie, u seriously juz wanna throw up reading it. it sux. totally. like sitting there n watching was damn painful. they removed all the best parts of the book, n made it into some weird thing i dun even noe what the hell it is. lol. so much for another epic. think he wld haf done better sticking to a long show n the book. the show din even last 90 minutes btw. lol
then erm. deja vu. or b4. wadeva. i think deja vu rox. a bit sciency n improbable, but in the end, the show is seriously gd. i mean like really really gd. so ya. watch it. shall not say anything else. i'd put it up there with minority report in terms of story line. but ya
bought battlefield 2 n i've been playing it like mad. shall get back to it.
some random stuff. lolz
Your Birthdate: April 12 |
 You are certain and confident when you choose to love someone. Even though your romantic choices may be unconventional - you stand behind them. Your friends never know you as well as a romantic partner does.
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 4
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1
You are most compatible with people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of the month. |
2:23 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Thailand the continuation. hahaz
ok. so now i shall actually blog abt my trip. yay! which was actually quite fun...
Day 1: which was actually this wk's wed. LOLZ
woke up damn early to go airport. my mum hasn't been flying for a damn damn long time, so we all went there early so that she cld check in early to go shopping -.-" not farnie lorz. lol. grandparents were there also, so we ate breakfast outside, then checked in. airport not much change since last yr. actually, almost the same as when i left for china trip. except that i saw more stuff cos i had time to walk arnd. hahaz. but quite cool la. so ok. played xbox for a while, then went on to board the plane. bought eragonn n eldest there also. quite gd books, so ok. not really my usual read tho, but since i wanna noe the story b4 the movie comes out, it's quite ok i guess. that cost me $25 altgr, cheaper than outside. hahaz
then erm. got onto plane. SIA IMPROVED! quite a bit. def better than last yr's china trip, altho they still suck compared to a looonnnngggg time ago. as in the service. haha. watched random movies. actually, i only watched when i was eating. juz listened n read my book. haha. finished abt 300 pages within the 2 hr flight. WHOO. drank some white wine with my dinner on the plane. yay. then got to bangkok. the airport sux. but ok la. not too bad. veri crowded tho, so went arnd, did stuff n then left the place for the hotel. spent abt 1 n 1/2 hr getting to hotel. megabig jam in city center. then got to hotel. i tot the hotel was in a rather unhealthy part of the city, but can't do anything abt it. n it was a 5/6 star hotel. LOLZ>>> ok then. gjgj. ate dinner at a nearby tony romas while gg out on a walk arnd the hotel. bangkok has 98% of it's roads either unpaved properly, or as side roads. gj
after that, booked a day tour to the grandpalace n national temple, then went back to hotel to slp. they HAF CABLEEEE!!! YAY!!! so quite late when i finally went to slp. ESPN =P oh rite. b4 i forget, went to the hotel bar to consume complimentary drinks. yay. their drinks there r damn cheap. got myself a tequila moonrise. damn nice. it's a mix of tequila, dark n lite rum. n tastes damn gd. din get drunk tho. wasted. hahaz.
woke up damn early. breakfast at hotel was nice. i guess. then went on the tour. no photos yet, so shall post another time. haven edited. suffice to say that the tour was gd, budden the problem was that the tour also had a lotta problems cos the grp was small n the place was damn mega crowded. n full of angmohs. LOLAOZ. everywhere all angmohs. n it was megahot. even tho now is supposed to b winter O.O ok... went to some shopping center after that, n then went shopping. din buy anything much tho. cos nth much to buy. then walked arnd. went to shangrila for a while. oh ya. bought some jerseys. cos they were cheap. like $5 only. n quite gd quality, altho i bet they will shrink or fade when i wash them. oh ya. then bought some comp games there. dark crusade only $15 lidat. nice. heh. stupid limen. pay so much when mine also original, juz that everything on the box in thai >< oops. hahahahahahahaha
wanted to buy xbox games, the pirated ones. 1 for 100baht, so abt $5? ya. budden xbox has to b modified, which mine isn't. which is a problem, so i had no choice. cannot buy. UGH
so ya. after all that, went to siam paragon to shop. din do much tho, cos damn late le. so we all juz walked a bit then went for dinner. or rather, stopped at some weird place. called orangey for dinner. food was quite nice, n the dining concept was rather nice also. so ok lor. after that, walked abit, then went back to hotel to slp le.
woke up early. bit later than day 2 tho. then went arnd. went to see some national monument. then went to riverside. there took boat up n down the place, n see the stuffs all arnd la. got some nice photos. n my dad got us lost once. cos he took a left turn when i told him to take a right turn -.-" nubcaek. but ya. bangkok everything haf to walk a lot. so did quite a lotta exercise there. yay
then went to siam paragon, cos my parents wanted to look at the giant stuffs mah. day b4 alridy did quite a lotta shopping at the weird place. lol. so ya. walk up n down, across. arnd. then buy buy buy, mom did most of the shopping. i din rily do that much. haha. no $$ mah. then erm bought a damn nice tripod for only $25. haahhahahahaha. yay. now my camera can use tripod which is tall enof le. yay.
after that, dinner. at some weird place called blue elephant. supposedly the best thai restaurant in thailand. but can't say anything abt the food mon. it's damn nice. n damn spicy also. but still... DAMN NICE FOOD SIAL. i was like damn damn damn dman damn damn happy. ate quite a lot also. yay. n i think we were damn lucky. suspect they usually full hse one. but we managed to sneak in w/o a reservation. hahaz
more shopping. went to one of their newer shopping centers, can't rmb the name, n shopped. saw a lotta nice stuff. like xbows, bows, guns, knives, throwing knives omg. much luv. table tennis bats. butterfly one. all only abt $10? damnit. slda bought. ugh. after that, went to airport, got an early flight home, n that's abt it. discovered that u can restart a movie from the beginning on SIA flights now. n bought myself a canadian icewine. haha. haven drunk it yet, but i bet it's gg to b damn nice. wanted to buy some of their local wines, but din haf the $$ so too bad. haix.
then back in s'pore so end of story. yay
11:46 am
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
Saturday, December 02, 2006
whoo. went to thailand. hahaz. erm. shall juz put sth really short here. cos i'm very shagged from the trip. juz got back abt 10mins ago. but ya. mostly i guess i juz wanna say i enjoyed myself. n spent a lotta $$ =S so oh wellz. listening to my new air supply album now. yay.
okok. slpy time. nights
10:14 pm
>>>Lost n still lookinG<<<
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
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March 2007
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December 2009
February 2010
Air Supply - All Out Of Love
I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile and my heart
For times when my life feels so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from this long lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too
Does the feeling seem oh so right
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I can't hold on
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong